Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How much do u spend on average on a night out pubing and clubing?

i ask because every time i go out i spend about 35 pounds approx this includes beer and food by the way but is this a lot ?

I'd say 35 is cheap, but it depends where you live.

A pint can cost say, at most, 2.50

I dont go clubbing (yet!), but I'd be buying around 10 of them plus spirits (for other people what I'd need) and thats well into the 35 budget.

Going from club to club, bar to bar, some charge entry fees, around 5-10. I wouldn't stay in one place, So if you spent 35 on drinks and went to 5 bars that could cost 60-85. Food is another 5 if you got say a kebab, then you've got to get a ride home..

depends where you from but I spend bout that but it not really take me a lot to get drunk and i live in london but go cheap places my mate he spend bout 100 and can still be sober but he go really expensive places. so if it a pound a pint then i say yes too much but if it about 5 a drink then no it sound ok x

I dont think you spend much at all if it includes food as well. At te pub with just drinks Id spend around 15 quid, the local clubs id send 20 with the taxi home however going into the city would cost me about 30-40, the drinks are sooo expensive! I must say student night is a blessing - half price at least :D

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