Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What is it like living in hawaii?

for people who have moved to hawaii I recently live in ohio and would like to move to Hawaii in 6 years do you have any advice? do you miss your family a lot? I heard it was sinking is it really? and what kind of stuff should I bring like a car or should I just get one there? I want to move to oahu I am thinking honolulu is that a good city?

OK ... First of all... The Hawaiian islands are NOT sinking. Our beaches are sometimes eroding, but usually they will replenish themselves.

Life in Honolulu will be much like life in LA- if you like that sort of thing, then more power to you!

I am from the East Coast originally, so I can tell you that most of the time yes, I do miss family. But what hurts more is the holidays and the seasons. Christmas is not the same when you can wear a bikini. And every year sort of runs into the next because you have no perception of time passing with the seasons.

It is a beautiful place to live. There are many benefits. But unless you make a lot of money in your job, you aren't able to enjoy it like you would if you were on vacation. You end up working more just to support yourself. Hawaii is not a cheap place to live.

Better to live somewhere else and just visit...

Does that help at all?

was born and raised in chicago....moved here 25 years ago,,, alot different now, crowded, worst traffic, low paying jobs. rethink your move...not easy especially if you are a non local or nonlocal looking.

dont bring your car. The salty rain will ruin it. hawaii's "aloha spirit" gets old after a while. It will get expensive. And you don't go to the beach everyday like most think.

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