Tuesday, April 7, 2009

How much do u spend on average on a night out pubing and clubing?

i ask because every time i go out i spend about 35 pounds approx this includes beer and food by the way but is this a lot ?

I'd say 35 is cheap, but it depends where you live.

A pint can cost say, at most, 2.50

I dont go clubbing (yet!), but I'd be buying around 10 of them plus spirits (for other people what I'd need) and thats well into the 35 budget.

Going from club to club, bar to bar, some charge entry fees, around 5-10. I wouldn't stay in one place, So if you spent 35 on drinks and went to 5 bars that could cost 60-85. Food is another 5 if you got say a kebab, then you've got to get a ride home..

depends where you from but I spend bout that but it not really take me a lot to get drunk and i live in london but go cheap places my mate he spend bout 100 and can still be sober but he go really expensive places. so if it a pound a pint then i say yes too much but if it about 5 a drink then no it sound ok x

I dont think you spend much at all if it includes food as well. At te pub with just drinks Id spend around 15 quid, the local clubs id send 20 with the taxi home however going into the city would cost me about 30-40, the drinks are sooo expensive! I must say student night is a blessing - half price at least :D

How do i mail a package to...?

La Piedad Michoacan Mexico (i live in Chicago if that makes a difference)

Just go to the post office and ask them. I send packages all the time to Jalisco, Mexico. Just make sure you have the zip code or codigo postal (CP #) and tell them you want to send it airmail international to mexico.

Sending packages by regular mail service to mexico is risky. Service is good in some areas, horrid in others. If you are sending something very important, you need to send it by Fed-ex.

Hi has anyone just returned back from cancun/playa del carmen or Riviera mayan - if so whats the weather like ?

i am going to mexico this week Riviera mayan - whats the weather like folks ?


I just checked the weather as I going there on Friday and it going to be high 80 with sun. Originally they were calling for rain the first 3 days, but they have since changed that. Having been to Mexico before even if it rains it only for a moment.

Anyone travelled from London To Mexico City with Mexicana?

just wondering if any of you have travelled on this long haul flight i use this airline in domestic mexico flights but never long haul....

mexicana has very modern airlplanes and very good service, not as good as aeromexico but definitely competitive with BA or Air France.

mmm nope

i traveled a few months

Mexico - London

but in american airlines..

but what's the matter on Mexicana?

i don't understand..

it's a good line of airplane...

why everyone is afraid of Mexico? :S

long haul they use bigger aircrafts

- it's alright, not top quality airline like virgin or ba but it's okay i guess, not much legroom etc but tickets are cheap

It is OK.

And in the current political "enemies all around us" atmosphere, less visable than a US Airline

It helps to be a gringo and speak spanish. The crew love you!

if you are riding coach, then be aware that the seats are 3 and too close together. I was uncomfortable and i on it for about 4 hours

aero mexico is better and still just as cheap

you might get asked at one point to hold the wires that keep the wings in place... :o)

Keeps you entertaied and a good workout! :o)

How do u know which

...I asked my travel-agent after i have booked everything & she said im staying in a standard room...(well does this mean phase I or II or ?

I'm going in may and our travel agent didn't tell us either .. I'm going to guess that standard room is phase 1

Has anyone been to San Felipe, Baja California Lately?

Growning up we use to go every summer to San Felipe, we always stayed at a condo right off the sand. Its been 7 years since i''ve been there and I wanted to take my husband and his family out there. But im not sure if its gotten worst, crazy or what? Has anyone been out there recently? Also is it expensive? If we decide to go where are the best kick it spots?

There's a timeshare resort south of town that's been operating for a few years. They have nice (for Mexican standards) condos and nice amenities. I think it's just called the San Felipe Resort.

Just south of downtown, there's a couple good places to stay. One is the Las Palmas hotel, where you can get a 1 bedroom bungalow or just a hotel room. It also has a good restaurant and bar, pool, etc. Right next to that is a vacation condo building (eight 2 and 3 bedroom units, with full kitchens, balconies overlooking the Sea of Cortez, and garages) called Casey's Place. The guy that runs it is an American and you can look it up on the internet for reservations.

What's nice about these types of places with kitchens is you can get huge shrimp down by the waterfront for like $20 a kilo and have yourself a cheap San Felipe shrimp feast.

It's also about a mile walk into downtown (in case you're drinking a lot) or a short drive. There you'll find a lot of good places to eat and drink (my friends always end up at the Miramar bar).

Just west of town on the main drag is a good restaurant/hotel called the Red Lobster (no relation to the US restaurant chain).

And, of course, if you like camping on the beach, there's all kinds of campos north and south of town, for RVs and tents.

Do mexicans have small penises?

With the nunber of babies getting born every year, I'd say that the male organs are of the right size. Size isn't the only factor.

At 1.75 meters i've got one that's 20 cm long. PM me for a picture.

(If you're american that;s 5'9 and 8.5 inches)



ive found the more indigineous.. the smaller

the more european.. the bigger.. but def not compare to african descent...

im 16 and 7 1/4 i dont know if thats small but i've been with like 4 white girls they say its bigger than any white boy they ever had

Probably as small as the ones men have in your country!

bigger than your brain, for sure.

How do poor Mexican families justify pimping their young daughters out?

I know this is not exclusive to Mexico but as I live in San Diego on the border of Tijuana I'm only aware of the great numbers of young girls working there. Most are from the interior of Mexico and send all or most of their money home. Theirs a big difference between the addicted prostitutes and these young girls selling their bodies. I'm certain the families that send their girls here to work represent a small minority of Mexicans poor- but you would never see this in the US unless the parents are drug addicts and very sick people. So since it is a wide spread problem it seems to be a cultural thing and not purely because of poverty. How do they justify this? Additionally do these girls have any chance of being emotionally stable and leading normal lives once their "work" is over?

How can you judge without ever knowing what it's like to be in their situation? It's a matter of living and dying...it's called desperation...it's not an easy thing for them, it's a necessary thing for a few beans and a tortilla.

I guess you know of the large numbers because of personal experience??

You would be surprised of the large number of underage girls working as prostitutes in North American because of condtions at home; they do it so they can live away from home and/or feed a drug habit which was nurtured by their pimp.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Can i sell henna powder in brazil?

i export henna for hair dye.i intend bringing it to brazil.can any one help me ,as is there any potential for selling henna for hair dye or temporary tattoos im BRAZIL OR SOUTH AMERICAS?

. In any drugstore or store of cosmetics is henna is very common, Brazilian cosmetics industry is one of the largest of the world. it Brazilian factory Surya Henna exports henna for countries as Japan, USA, Chile, China Arabia and even for India.

The market is already saturated.

We have lot Henna in Brasil...I dont think is a good business...

Brazil 3 week itinerary?

I am going to Brazil with a friend for 3 weeks in May. We are on a budget, but are going to get an airpass for about 4 internal flights. We are planning to go to Manaus to trek in the rainforest for 4 days, the Pantanal for 2-3 days, Rio for 4-5 days and Iguazu Falls for 2 days. Where else would anyone recommend travelling to in Brazil?

What Else?


But you need to know where to go in this place:

*The great beaches are in the NORTH, the names are: Flamengo, Ipitanga, Vilas, Barra Grande

*Modern Museum of Art,

*Farol da Barra (a houselight, postcard of Salvador)

*Restaurants, the cuisine of Salvador is one of the best in Brazil

*Some jazz or samba bars in Rio Vermelho

*Salvador is the city of Capoeira. A national sport-fight

*You can visit also paradise islands and archipelagos like Morro do So Paulo, that are real near Salvador. You'll feel all that caliente atmosphere. You have camping, trecks, nature, sports, and a great structure to receive tourists.

*Modelo Market

and all stuff.

And the most important if you really visiting Brazil: You just need to be guided with a brazilian friend to not go to the wrong places.

that sounds fabulous !

I also did a tour of brazil a few years ago with my best friend of 13 years and we had the time of our life !!!!

the only extra thing we did was visit Salvador, Bahia.. the beaches are to die for. Much nicer then Rio in my opinion.

I highly recommend Salvador

Have fun. Be safe

e boa sorte

Go to Bonito in Mato Grosso do Sul state!! It is the most beautiful place in Pantanal!

Im thinking of going to rio?

I've heard that Rio De Janeiro is an amazing city, especially at night, I heard it is also known as one of the sex capitals of the world, along with Amsterdam, Bangkok, etc, Im planning to go to Rio, does anyone have any personal experiences if you've gone there. thanks

I went to Rio this past Carnaval. Check Copacabana and Ipanema beach for fun in the sun. Visit Sugar Loaf and Corvacado Mountain for tourist attractions. Drink acai in the mornings, caipirinhas midday, and eat at restaurants recommended by a hotel concierge. If all you want is prostitution, ignore everything I just said and follow around the Italian and German tourists. That's all they come for too.

i have no experience but my friend travels the world plus hes a guy so yeah i could give you what hes told me .

its an amazing place! just watch out for aids & stdss the girls jump on tourists & will go to bed with you but expect to pay up later on .

So you're going to brazil to try and look for sex, basically??? *rolls eyes*

you silly men..... thats all they seem to go there for

What part of Brazil do the best looking women come from?

A guy from Sao Paulo told me it was his town in Sao Paulo...

It all depends of what kind of girls you like. Rio de Janeiro is more like Santa Monica, and Sao Paulo more like New York... girls from Sao Paulo normally dress up and girls from Rio normally dress more casual and sexy... but I believe... there are beautifull girls all over here... and in my opinion too many!! :P

Annacris is right I think the Rio girls are more like the Californians and the Sao paulo are more like the New Englanders, italian looking > business oriented. However the So. of Brasil Florianopolis and Rio Grande do Sull also have lots of beautiful women with german decent. to answer your question let's say Florianopolis and RGS.

For the love of Pete! I'm sure Brazil has more to offer than good looking women! Stop being so vain. Looks dont last anyway!


Portuguese in brazil..... help?

Is normal portuguese the same as brazillian portuguese ????


Are different the Portuguese say that us Brazilian spoke as they spoke in the century XVI, in spite of the several contributions that the Brazilian Portuguese received from the indigenous people, Africans and Italian mainly. They arrived the that verification because of the verses of Lus de Cames that he was the great equivalent Portuguese poet William Shakespeare, the verses of Cames only has rhymes if read with the Brazilian accent, read with the Portuguese accent the verses don't rhyme. We used ourselves the personal pronoun that was used in the medium age "Vossa Merc", that contracting became "voc".Just like French. The Portuguese use the personal pronoun "tu".

Voc quer ir ao baile? The Brazilian form of speaking

Tu queres ir ao baile? The Portuguese form of speaking

No. Portuguese from Portugal has a stronger accent and also some words are different. The basic grammar and fraises constructions are the same of course... It's like comparing English spoken in England and English spoken in United States or Spanish spoken in Spain and Spanish spoken in Mexico... same concept.

It is sooooooo different. I've bumped into some Portuguese in the last few weeks .. and I couldn't even tell they were speaking Portuguese !

I speak brazilian portuguese. I had to listen for a good 1 - 2 minutes to realize they were.. and even after.. I asked them if they were speaking Portuguese (from portugal) b/c it was so different

European girl, 23, hiring a car in Brazil?

What do I need to do?

Do I need to have an international drivers licence? Does it have to be translated to Portuguese?

How much will it all cost me?

Should I rather travel with a bus (time period: 8 days)?

I have just spent 3 months in Brazil, Buses are very good but very cold, they turn the Air-con up to the max so take a blanket! Buses, however they are not cheap. Its approx. 8-10 reals per hour of travel (so a 24 hour bus ride will be approx 200 real). They are frequent, fairly reliable and go from any major city to any other major city.

For hiring cars, you must be 25 (21 with some firms), have an a credit card in your name. You must have a valid driving license from your home country and some firms will only accept you if you also have an international licence. Cost is approx 130 real per day with unlimited mileage. Be advised to choose the higher insurance (for the cost of an extra 20 reals it is well worth it as excess charges can be huge!)

Hope this helps

Bad idea.

Tourist in Brazil should travel for tourist areas.

Recently 2 European tourists rented a car and they went to travel for Brazil, the electronic navigator (GPS) indicated a road mistakenly and the tourists invaded an area unintentionally dominated by drug dealers, the traffickers thought that they were disguised policemen and they shoot against the car, the tourists were not hurt but they suffered a great fright.

It is better you not to drive in Brazil, if you maintains in tourist areas or to walk of bus you will have great, beautiful and safe moments in Brazil.

How dangerous is rio de Janiero?

Would it be safe for two 30 year old females to go to Rio de Janiero on their own for a weekend. We would only be there for one night and would be very aware of our surrounding and also not venture to far from the hotel. What are your thoughts. Is it really that bad?

I lived and was schooled in Rio, Brasil for 4 years. And I never had any problems :)

Id advise that you don't act like a stereotypical tourist if that makes seance, but at the same time enjoy yourself.

I don't think that there is an special precautions that you would need to take from any other city visit. Just keep your mob/cell on you and don't get lost :P

Edit: When you review this question, could you please add into yours why and how you are only there for one night?

I went to Rio in 2007 for a study abroad program. We stayed in Rio for three days.

I had a really great time and I felt like I was in no danger. The one thing that Brazilians advised me is NOT to go into the favelas. The favelas are areas filled with poverty. It's better to avoid them. Other than that, just take the same precautions one would do when traveling to a foreign country.

Have fun and be safe!


You just have to be carefull

you should keep cellphone with you at all times

have fun!

What are the best and most famous Brazil telenovelas?

Thinking of starting a collection.

Thanks to everyone who helps.

You mean, that can be watched now on TV?

The best novelas are from TV Globo. They%26#039;ve a better quality in image and a better script too. There%26#039;s novelas in TV Record and, I think, in Rede Bandeirantes too.

The best novela that you can see now is %26quot;Senhora do Destino%26quot; (Destiny%26#039;s Lady). It%26#039;s from 2006, but they are %26quot;replaying%26quot; it. Its final chapter had the biggest pontuation in IBOPE (the organization that shows how popular is a TV show). You can see also %26quot;Paraso%26quot; (Paradise. It%26#039;s a remake from another novela from the 80s. It%26#039;s going to release this monday), %26quot;Trs Irms%26quot; (Three Sisters. I don%26#039;t like it very much) and %26quot;Caminho das ndias%26quot; (something like %26quot;Indian Way%26quot;. Its plot is in Rio de Janeiro and India. Don%26#039;t like it).

But, in my opinion, the best novelas I watched were %26quot;Paraso Tropical%26quot; (Tropical Paradise), %26quot;Belssima%26quot; (something like %26quot;Very Beautiful%26quot;), %26quot;Alma Gmea%26quot; (Twin Soul) and %26quot;Cobras e Lagartos%26quot; (Snakes and Lizzards). But there are some other famous novelas, from other times, such as %26quot;Vale Tudo%26quot; (mmm, no idea of the translation. But, to have an idea, %26quot;Vale Tudo por Dinheiro%26quot; means %26quot;It%26#039;s all about money%26quot;), %26quot;A Escrava Isaura%26quot; (The Slave Isaura. Made lot of sucess all around the wolrd) and Dancing Days.

Roque Santeiro, That soap opera was so impressive in all of the countries that it was exhibited was absolute success, it got to change alimentary habits in several countries, because the people will only have dinner after seeing that soap opera, in Mozambique until today the largest market of the country is denominated. Roque Santeiro Presidents of countries and dictators (Cuba and Russia) they pronounced assiduous expectants of that soap opera. In Brazil 98% of all of the televisions of the country were tuned in in that soap opera.

Try %26quot;Caminho das ndias%26quot; that is passing on Globo right now :D

Ah, there is a soap opera about USA. The name is %26quot;America%26quot;. A Brazilian girl goes to live in Miami.

Many people have already answered some that I mean, they are really good: Bem Amado / Roque Santeiro / Irmos Coragem / Selva de Pedra some are classic.

Mulheres apaixonadas

Bem - Amado

Dancing Days

O cravo e a rosa

The Bem Amado and Dancing Day.

i only saw part of Uga Uga but they say it was good


What are the most expensive neighbourhoods in Rio de Janeiro?

Leblon, Ipanema, Barra da Tijuca.

Avenidas Vieira Souto,

Avenida Sernambetiba e condomnio das manses na Barra.

well... is Barra da Tijuca, Leblon and Ave. Vieira Souto. very expensive...

How many trades can you make in a margin accounts?

How many times can you trade the entire equity value of you margin account in a day if you have less than $25,000 in the account?

u asked it in the wrong place

Alcohol As Fuel Used In Brazil?

Why is alcohol made from sugar cane popular in that country for autos?

Brazil is the largest world producer of cane of sugar. During the seventies when there was to 1st crisis of the petroleum Brazil began a program to substitute the petroleum for a renewable fuel and give to Brazil the independence of imported petroleum. The program went by several problems, the first was that the price of the sugar go up and the producers stopped producing the alcohol and they only produced sugar, there the price of the alcohol go up a lot and who had car to alcohol had a great damage. The time passed and the government guaranteed that who bought car to alcohol would not have damage. But once again the price of the sugar go up and the car owners to alcohol had damage again. Only when the brazilian automotive industry developed a car that can be moved by 3 types of fuel (gas, gasoline and alcohol) it is that the car to alcohol became popular in Brazil. everybody today has a car that can be moved to alcohol and all the gas station sell alcohol. It is 40% cheaper than the gasoline.

Detail the Brazilian gasoline is one of the more expensive of the world.


Hottest women in Brasil?

Are they in Rio or Sao Paulo? Like where is the best night life between the two?

Best night life? definitely Sao Paulo... In Rio, it is all about the sun, the sand, and the beaches... So, if you prefer scantily clad women, then Rio but if you're thing is the club scene and glam restaurants, then Sao Paulo. You best just visit both!

I been to Rio 4 times and San Paulo once, if you want the night life go to Rio.


Some people like Sao Paulo, some like Rio... I prefer Rio.

Universidade de Sao Paulo?

What do you know about it?

And also are there dorms?

The University of So Paulo (USP) it is one of the best universities of Latin America, the entrance is done by contest and it is only approved who has high average in all of the matters (mathematics, Portuguese, biology, chemistry, physics, foreign language, geography, text composition, Brazilian and world Literature, Brazilian and world history) the tests are severe and that it gets approval is already worthy of admiration of the society. Usually only who studied at good schools and after having concluded the regular teaching and takes a specific course (Pr-vestibular) it is approved in the proof. usually only the rich people have money to prepare their children to do this proof.

I live very near of USP, that how we call Universidade de So Paulo. Everybody dreams to get a vacancy in this university, is really hard.Only rich people got it.

is not easy to find dorms vacancy too. But you can try

Is brazil a good country to go to school in?

If you get a good school, a good house with good family.

It'll be nice.

Salvador and Florianpolis, in my opinion, are good cities for student foreigners.


I am going on one next year, and I am really excitied about it (you can email me if you have questions).

The thing is, the point of a foreign exchange isn't really to go to school. I can't say I think Brazilian schools will be the best (even though lots of them are private school), but you get other sorts of cultural learning through an exchange!

Private schools in Brazil are good. I had a very good experience in my school days here. Not only because of all that I learned but also because of all the friends I made.

Public school is waste of time

Private school there are several very good, but very expensive.

Yes, but u MUST be in a privet school :)

Sunday, March 22, 2009

What is a checked bag?

Lame question I know, but I last flew last year. We are going on vacation in a week and on my flight's website (Us Airways) it says carry on is free (I know what carry on is) but then it said $15 for the first check on bag. Is that the regular bag you always get checked? Why are they charging??? It makes me mad because you can't take liquids over 3 oz on your carry on, and being female (and using hair products, make up, and lotion) that means I have to do a checked bag since I can't have those items on my carry on.

So, what is a carry on? Do I have it mixed up with like valet baggage?

Checked bags are the ones that they put in the hold, rather than carry on. I have no idea why they are charging- not all airlines charge. It seems to be a new way to increase the ticket price and discourage large numbers of suitcases. Yes your hair products would have to be checked- although you could buy that stuff once you reach your destination if you don't want to take a checked bag I guess. Shoes dryers and straighteners are not a problem for carry on luggage, just be careful of the size limit and weight limit put on carry on baggage by US airways- if your carry on is too big/ heavy they may make you check it.

A checked bag is when they tag the bag. It is "CHECKING IN A BAG" these are the bags or luggage that go into the lugage hold in the bottom of the plane. A carry on is a bag "SHOULDER BAG" or something similar to the shoulder bag which you carry onto the plane and put in the over head.

Checked bags are the ones that you don't carry on. Almost all airlines charge for that now.

You can buy 3 oz bottles and decant your liquids into them, although I don't know why you'd need hair products on the plane.

luggage that gores in the hold

carry on what you can take with you inside

I have to ship a bottle of perfume to someone, what is the best way to pack it so it doesn

I have a medium-small box, but what should I put in it... Newspaper, bubble wrap, etc??? I don't want this to break. Should I mark it as FRAGILE? Please help!

I say either bubble wrap, or styrofoam. Bubble wrap would probably be good in your situation though. Just fill it with bubble wrap and pack the perfume bottle down in the middle. Also,mark it FRAGILE. It will never hurt and it will be a whole lot easier!

Hope I helped!

In the middle of bubble wrap, packed tightly into the box so nothing moves around, and marking it fragile won't hurt either.

Vatican City Dancing?

I'm doing a project for school about the Vatican City and I need to know about their dance. Do they have any special dance rituals? or traditional dances?

Vatican is the home of Catholicism, and Catholicism doesn't have any dance in its rituals.

I live in Rome, so i've been many times in the Vatican, and i've never seen anyone dancing.

no its basicaly a church

no one is born there

Questions about Opa-Locka, Florida?

I am going to the University of Miami and will be living off campus. I am not extremely familiar with Southern Florida, so bear with me.

Would Opa Locka be a good town to live in?

Is it safe?

What's the culture like?

What's with the architecture?

If Opa Locka isn't good, where would you recommend?

Opa Locka is a garbage crime filled neighborhood and it's also too far from the school and you will encounter heavy traffic so living that far is not even recommended.

Either stay in West Miami, South Miami, or even Coral Gables. There all south of the Dolphin Expressway and east of the Palmetto Expressway so that way traffic wont kill you on the way UM. If you live in these places you can get an apartment for at least $800 and up.

The culture here is very diverse but for the most part you will see alot of Hispanics and Islanders.

The architecture here is very nice. If you live close to downtown or Brickell you will see alot of high rises and buildings. Go anywhere in northeastern part of Miami like Opa Locka and you will see the definition of a crappy city.

believe me its totally not safe. its quite ugly lookin. its pretty bad

Athens- Santorini- Crete is that possible in 7 days? How about just Athens and Santorini?

No, it's too much. Better go just to Athens and Santorini.

Enjoy your holidays in Greece.

No no no its too much. Just go to Crete.

Is the Eurolines Bus Terminal near the North Station? And how do I get to the Central Station from North?

There's a direct mtro line connection. And plenty of people to help at the info desk, just in case.

Have you ever been to a hotel where the hotel allows dogs?

Hi, I booked a hotel and it allows dogs. I was thinking maybe i could take my dog w/me. Its a hotel in Florida so me and my family were going to be gone to Disney World all day. I was wondering, does the maid come and clean your room if you have a dog? And how did you feed your dog in the middle of the day if you were out? Did you allow your dog to sleep w/you in bed? Did your dog behave well?

telll me about your experiences.

most detailed 10 pts. best answer!

We have traveled with a dog in the past, and the hotels(all different ones no particular chain) that I have stayed in with the dog do not recommend that you leave the dog there when you are not in the room, if you leave the room and leave the dog there, put your do not disturb sign up, some hotels the maids will not clean it if there is a pet in it, others will, but if the dog gets out and you are not there, they will not go chasing it. You need to ask the hotel what their policy is on un-attended pets in the hotel rooms to get the correct answer.

Some of the ones that we have stayed in have an on site kennel, or have reduced rates at a nearby kennel so that you can board your dog for the day while you are out sightseeing.

Our dog did not sleep with us at home or when we are away, he had his own bed and we brought it with us.

It is better to leave your dog at home with family or friends or board them at a local kennel.

I know how hard it is to have a demanding pet like a dog and go on vacation. Don't take your dog with you. He or she could ruin your trip. When you go on vacation you usually want to ditch all your responsibilities, chill out on the beach, with a dog you constantly have to worry.

I know it's hard to leave part of your family behind especially at pet smart. Try to find a neihbor or a friend to watch him or her for you. Or a pet sitter that can take the dog to their house or come to your house every few hours.

Have fun on your vacation!

well, for one, that is going to be a pretty nasty hotel!! But, I say leave him at petsmart, because at least then you wont have as much trouble during ur vacation and he will get fed. plus, if ur dog breaks it, u buy it !

DO NOT take your dog if it is going to be locked in a hotel room all day. That is just cruel. And no, the maid will not clean your room while the dog is in there. This is for safety and security reasons.

Yes, but one time when i took my dog, it stunk SO BAD. I couldnt sleep there so we just left. I wanted to see wat it was like but it just couldnt happen. It was disgusting. The dogs just poop whereever they want. UGG...

Yes and people do not clean up after their animals and no matter how much the maid cleans it still smells like piss.

Please stop advertising your question on others questions, its quite rude :(

Stop posting on other people's questions, it's rude.

psh your pretty lame

you ask me to answer yours and you didnt even answer mine.

What can a 4 year old NOT go on in orlando theme parks?

I havent been there in about 5 years and my child will be 4 next year when i plan to go so i was wondering if anyone knows what rides she WONT be able to get on.

i know she will be old enough for peter pan, small world, them little rides and i know she will be too young for rollercoasters but for rides like, men in black, twister, spiderman 3d etc

what do you think?

Two restrictions - one is height which usually fixes rides (such as Thunder Mountain) for kids over 6 or 7.

The other is fear. Many of the rides are just not suitable for children of 4 - it will freak them out. I am amazed at the number of selfish parents who drag their 3 and 4 years olds onto really scary rides, such as Terminator3, MIB and so on. What the hell do they think they are doing to their kids? For God's sake, to a Parent Walk Through if you both want to experience these types of ride (one goes to the exit with the baby whilst the other takes the ride, then the other parent is allowed straight in so there is no double queueing.

If you want to traumatise you kid and ruin the ride for everyone else then take them in with you to all the rides. Otherwise apply the same common sense you would to their watching anything at home that in not U rated.

Disney's Hollywood Studios

She could actually go to any park.Every park has stuff for kids at that age to do.I remember going to disney when I was 4 and going to all 4 parks.There were a lot of things to do.I even rode magic kingdom's rollercoaster Space Mountain.That was actually the best trip I had to disney world. I rode small world with my grandma 5 times in a row and it was not annoying!

Most rollercoasters,

it depends on her height for safety reasons.

not her age..

if she was a really tall 3 year old she would beable to get on..

but a small 4 year old couldnt.

Height is the key factor

Do you like the Saint Louis Arch?


I like it. I dont like being in it though. When you have a major fear of hieghts standing next to windows looking over a large city isn't the best thing to do.

What are some of Norway

sports, leisure activitiet

Skiing and other winter sports. Football is probably the most common team sport, but handball is also popular. Sailing, hiking, swimming, anything outdoors in nature. Berry and mushroom hunting is common in the autumn.

Many people do creative or cultural activities, like play an instrument or take art classes. Drinking/clubbing is popular on the weekends.

How to tan in Cancun?

Last time I went to Cancun I wore SPF 50 and didnt get a tan.

Once I wore nothing and my back completely blistered.

I need a plan to get a tan in Cancun. What number should I wear and how long should I be out with it on, and how often should I put it on...etc etc etc?

** I am not dark complected but at the same time I'm not ghostly white. I am a "happy medium" I suppose. But more towards the fair side.

go to a tanning salon before you go so you are used to it and have a base. thats what i do. im fair skin, i tan for 3-4 weeks, 3 to 4 days per week, before we go. thats your best bet. then you can use 10 or 20 spf. we were in acapulco last spring, wore 4 spf. was fine.

Wear like an SPF 8. Or it could just be your natural skin tone.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

DO people perform at santa cruz beach bordwalk?

yeah i asked a similar question earlier, and i guess i didnt make myself very clear... haha, oops. i want to know if people perform at santa cruz beach bordwalk.... i dont want to perform there or anything, im just wondering if other bands or something DO perform there.

Yep, its a big part of summer events for people to enjoy. They use to, and still might, have a sign language translator on stage signing the songs so even more people can enjoy the live music.

in 2008 Spring Break there are several bands performing there..and some shows for kids and about cooking. Check out website or watch tv or radio commercials.

yes, they have live music in the time of summer time every thurdays

What is this? help me?

I am Brazilian and I have the address "5664 Cahuenga Blvd Suite 766" The address is of Los Angeles. I want to know what this number is 5664.

Sorry my english Thank's

Perhaps I can explain:

In America, they put the number first. So this is on Cahuenga Boulevard, #5664. "Suite 766" is actually just a mailbox, not a real suite. So the address is just a business full of post office boxes. People give this address out to hide their real address. They just go to the fake address to pick up their mail and get things delivered to them.

It sounds like someone is trying to fool you with a fake address. Mail will be delivered there, but nobody lives there. The company that is there is in the business of accepting mail and packages.

well I googled that address it look like this is a mail drop place

(something like mailbox etc)

as they are several different companies listed at this address

all with the same address

( where people can rent mailboxes

at this address and all the suite number is really just the box number

so the number 5664 would be box number for that person

5664 could be the address number.

Is it safe to leave a car in a highway rest stop for about 3 days?

We are planning to car pool with friends on a trip and then want to pick up our car to drive home. Will the car be safe at a rest stop off of Rt. 95 in Maryland for about 3 days?

No. If it doesn't get stolen or vandalised the police regurally patrol rest stops looking for abandoned/suspicious cars. It will most likely get ticketed and towed to an impound yard after 48 hours.

Assuming you are leaving it in a well-lit nice-ish place... people probably won't do anything to it.

However, The police may be called to ticket it and/or mark it as abandoned. Typically, if the owner doesn't show up within 24 hours, they can have it towed away at the owner's expense.

If you have to ask then you already feelin a "No" in your own mind. My advice...GO with that feelin'! Besides, regardless to what we say you'll be worried about the vehicle the whole time you gone. Park the car somewhere safe and enjoy your getaway!

Don't do it!

Not a good idea if you want to have the car still be in one piece when you return.

It'll probably get towed. Why don't you just find a parking lot near an airport where you can leave your car?

good luck with leaving your car in maryland for any period of time

of course not

No way someone will either steal or trash it.

I;d find some place else to park it,

I need a really good place to get my nails done in mississauga, ontario, canada? any help would be appreciatd.?

ok I bite my nails a lot and they're really bad so I want to get fake nails, but I'm looking for a really good place here in mississauga, ontario (price doesn't really matter) so any help would be much appreciated. And please don't tell me that fake nails are lame or tacky, I wanna get them to cover up my bad bitten nails and and stop this habit, so I'm gonna get acrylic nails first to let my own nails grow and then work from there on my own nails, PLEASE PLEASE NO RUDE COMMENTS. If you know any good place in mississauga or even Oakville, please let me know. thanks

There's an awesome nail art salon near heartland shopping center! its in some plaza on Matheson and Terry Fox. Its also near popeyes and booster juice.... if u have any questions bout the address just email me at : elena_cullen1988@yahoo.com

Islands of Adventure / Universal Orlando Pay Raise?

Hi, I was just offered a food service cashier position in The Comic Strip Cafe... starting pay is a little low and I wondered if there is like a raise schedule (ex. every six months, year, or whatever) Thanks!

They have annual pay raises. The amount of your raise will be determined by you performance and employment type [full-time, casual or seasonal]

Have fun!!!

I think probably your best bet would be to ask whoever offered you the job. It's a perfectly reasonable question, one that should be asked during the interview if money is a factor in you accepting the job.

If my mother lives in kansas and i live in Texas, Can i still get a resident discount at KU if I get in?

Im doing a project for English and we have to write a paper on a college we would like to go to, and im doing the University of Kansas. I was wondering if i would get the resident discount for Kansas residents, if my mom lives there, even though i live in Texas and my diploma comes from a Texas highschool?

I grew up in Missouri and went to Eastern Illinois university. As I recall, all I had to do to qualify for the resident discount was register to vote in Illinois. I'd check with the university, though, because requirements mat vary from state to state.

What was the boldest trip you have ever taken?

like when i drove from NY to Texas I really had a blast. you?

I once drove to Charlotte, NC all by meself in a Prius with me mum.

I have traveled alone from Texas to Northern Utah and eastern Kentucky and may destinations in between. My favorite trip is to the Colorado Rockies. I usually camp along the way at KOA campgrounds.

What is it like living in hawaii?

for people who have moved to hawaii I recently live in ohio and would like to move to Hawaii in 6 years do you have any advice? do you miss your family a lot? I heard it was sinking is it really? and what kind of stuff should I bring like a car or should I just get one there? I want to move to oahu I am thinking honolulu is that a good city?

OK ... First of all... The Hawaiian islands are NOT sinking. Our beaches are sometimes eroding, but usually they will replenish themselves.

Life in Honolulu will be much like life in LA- if you like that sort of thing, then more power to you!

I am from the East Coast originally, so I can tell you that most of the time yes, I do miss family. But what hurts more is the holidays and the seasons. Christmas is not the same when you can wear a bikini. And every year sort of runs into the next because you have no perception of time passing with the seasons.

It is a beautiful place to live. There are many benefits. But unless you make a lot of money in your job, you aren't able to enjoy it like you would if you were on vacation. You end up working more just to support yourself. Hawaii is not a cheap place to live.

Better to live somewhere else and just visit...

Does that help at all?

was born and raised in chicago....moved here 25 years ago,,, alot different now, crowded, worst traffic, low paying jobs. rethink your move...not easy especially if you are a non local or nonlocal looking.

dont bring your car. The salty rain will ruin it. hawaii's "aloha spirit" gets old after a while. It will get expensive. And you don't go to the beach everyday like most think.

What is life in france like today?

i was reading about the french revolution and bastille day when it occured to me i really don't know much about what life in France is like today i know that england has a king and queen and some form of parliment but i don't know anything about France.

France is a republic (like the USA) and is divided into an executive, a legislative and a judicial branch (like the USA).

They have a President who elected directly by the people and who shares the executive power with the Prime Minister who he appoints. Although the Prime Minister is appointed by the President he must also secure the support of a majority of the National Assembly (which is more or less like the House of Representatives. There is also a Senate that is elected indirectly by other elected officials.

France is generally prosperous although suffering, at the moment, from many of the same economic problems that are being felt in the USA. In most respects it is a typical western industrialized nation.

Life in France has some distinct advantages from an an American point of view. The standard work week is 35 hours, most workers receive a month of paid vacation, health care is excellent and a system of government mandated and subsidized insurance means no one lacks for care due to inability to pay. University education is free to the student and French workers have a host of protections and guarantees that Americans do not have.

Of course, there are also some disadvantages. The French are some of the most heavily taxed people in the industrialized world. Unemployment in France tends to be significantly higher than in the USA. Homes are smaller and gasoline is more expensive as are all energy needs.

its very french

LOL you don't know much about england either darling it doesn't have a king. oh and if you think 'knowing' about a country means knowing if it has a government LOL then you dont know much. hellll i know so much about america i could be an american.

Lousy. Way too many liberals. (But then again it's France, couldn't expect much better.)

like life in france yesterday. Slovenia is better

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